英倫篇:Time flies…

Time flies.

It’s already the 7th day of my trip, 3rd day in London, UK. Still think that meeting D accidently in Heathrow Airport Tube station is not so long ago (Really unexpected since I came from Singapore by Singapore Airline while D travelled from HK).

It’s really fantastic to visit UK by myself. I can go wherever I want, have my meal at anytime and decide which place I want to visit. Staying at Youth Hostel is a new experience for me. The environment is nice, although I am always afraid that I will make sounds in the morning (I have ‘Early morning Wakening’ these days due to Jet-lag…) when people are still falling asleep.

I saw many books that I am interested in these few days (I can’t imagine that King Henry VIII is almost a superstar in every London scenery spot!). Of course I don’t want to buy them now, otherwise I will need to carry them throughout my trip…really exhausted.

Looking forward to go out of London tomorrow (perhaps to Windsor or Bath…not decided yet…)

p.s. Accidentally I can just upload my photos in Singapore when I come back to Hong Kong. Please check those updated photos in the right bar ‘Flickr’ badges…Thanks…

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