
整個星期忙著等 “P&P” 上畫﹝雖然看來我好像比較喜歡 2005 電影版,可是實際上我卻是 BBC 版的fans 啊……﹞、當人工智能、把手上的 “Ungrateful daughters” 完成、考慮旅行事宜等等等等,就是沒有讀書。那樣的我恐怕是危機感缺乏了點。







Ungrateful Daughters: The Stuart Princesses Who Stole Their Father's Crown正在閱讀 “Ungrateful Daughters: The Stuart Princesses Who Stole Their Father’s Crown” 一書,剛巧談及英女皇 Mary II 於三十二歲那年去世後,她的丈夫--同時在位的皇帝 William III --收到由 Archbishop of Canterbury 轉交、她臨終前寫給他的最後一封私人信件,書中敘述這信的內容大致如下:

In it, she alluded to a relationship that had ruined her happiness in this world and was endangering his hopes of the world to come.

作者說 Mary II 在信中從沒提及名字,只有收信者會知道那是指誰。而她最可能想說的,是有關 William III 多年來不曾離棄的情婦 Elizabeth Villers 那一件事。

在 Mary II 身故後,William III 一直對亡妻念念不忘,也因為她的去世,促使他決定結束與 Elizabeth Villers 十數年的不倫關係--他給了她一些補償,又不忘給她賜婚。只是,死者已矣,就算如今離開情婦那又如何呢?實在是於事無補了,多年來雖然 Mary II 不曾因為丈夫有外遇說過一句話,但誰也曉得她內心為此介懷不已。William III 只有在她死後才想到要為她做些甚麼,可實在是太遲了吧!為甚麼不在她生前想到她的感受呢?


p.s. 看到後一章,談到 William III 死後,當侍者給他的遺體更衣時,發現他仍舊戴著 Mary II 留下來的一個指環,又把她的一縷秀髮放在胸口前靠近心臟的袋子裡。看到他對她那樣念念不忘,其實也是挺感人的。﹝不曉得為甚麼老是同時想起光緒皇帝與珍妃的故事耶……﹞

有情人終成扣肉的 Mr. & Mrs. Darcy

Pride and Prejudice (2005) 


有情人終成扣肉﹝from www.iyellowbus.com﹞

久等了的電影終於看畢了,不知怎地總是覺得英國版的結局太含蓄,有點兒草草了事的感覺。可是美國版的結局卻又感情太露了點。預料之中會一而再再而三的看﹝今天已經斷斷續續看了兩次……﹞曾經有些報導說最初從沒考慮 Keira Knightley 演 Elizabeth Bennet 的原因是她太美了,可是只有她那種硬朗的美態才能與 Rosamund Pike (Jane Bennet) 的淡雅的美麗作對比--而且 Elizabeth 也算是個美人兒啊,不算太過份吧!

開場時 Bennet 家的凌亂程度真令人懷疑那幾位管家是在幹甚麼的。而且也無法想像 Bennet 家門外竟然有個小農場……不過這也正好表達了那種鄉土感覺吧!

Mary 看起來沒原著寫的那麼好炫耀,也許是時間有限戲份被刪吧!﹝至少那段 Lydia 私奔後她侃侃而談說女子應該小心不容有失並沒談及﹞

看了好半場,還是不能清楚分辨 Kitty 與 Lydia,即使談及她已嫁作人婦那一段還是老樣子。

對 Mr. Bennet 偏心 Elizabeth 一事沒甚提及,所以看到最後一段他那種感觸好像有點太過份;Mrs. Bennet 看起來沒那麼神經質,不過她的對白還是出賣了她。

說 Mr. Wickham 像花花公子又好像有點不對勁,看起來 Elizabeth 又不像對他有甚麼好感,而且前文好像也從沒談及他與 Lydia 有任何交集呢!

Caroline Bingley 的裝束比 bbc 版那一位好多了,看起來不再是誰也覺得像潑婦罵街,但對她愛慕 Mr. Darcy 則著墨不多。﹝忘了說的是,bbc 版的 Miss Bingley 後來在 “What a Girl Wants” 中飾演 Henry Dashwood --也就是 bbc 版著名的 Mr. Darcy Colin Firth --的未婚妻……﹞

挺不習慣 Georgiana 那樣主動,印象中她是那種不善交際連說句話也膽怯的女孩啊﹝書中的敘述是說她只是因為少與人交流以致看起來有點傲慢﹞。

Lady Catherine de Bourgh 那種霸氣實在無人能及,最初眾人在 Rosings 時好像在晉見女皇一般耶﹝Judi Dench 當年在 “Shakespeare in Love” 便是演 Queen Elizabeth I 的啊﹞

Mr. Collins 與 Charlotte Lucas 其實高度與外型上是頗相襯的。

Darcy & Elizabeth 

寫到這裡,其實一直很想說 Mr. Darcy 與 Elizabeth 的--最初 Mr. Darcy 看起來傲慢,老是看不起其他人似的,其實他只是不擅交際而已﹝Elizabeth 竟然開口邀請他跳舞……﹞,Matthew Macfadyen 也沒演得有笨拙的感覺,只有最後那場,不明白為甚麼 Mr. Darcy 會衣衫不整到訪 Longbourn,難道是想表達他渴望早點知道 Elizabeth 的心意?而 Keira Knightley,她演出了 Elizabeth 知道自己想幹甚麼的那種神韻--Jane 在 Netherfield 病倒了她決定徒步前往探望,在母親逼迫下依舊拒絕 Mr. Collins 的求婚,而且不買 Lady Catherine 的帳,獨立的個性可是表露無遺。﹝不過 Oscar 的 Best Actress 嘛,相信也只能陪跑了--不是她的演出不夠好,只是對手太強而已。﹞

p.s. 雖然還沒上畫,可是我真的是在看正版 DVD 的。


這段新聞,我真的覺得很有趣--世事果然無奇不有,王子殿下竟然也可能粉墨登場當 Mr. Darcy……嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿……

Pride and Beatrice
16:26pm 5th February 2006

Princess Beatrice is to celebrate her 18th birthday in style – with a glittering Pride And Prejudice-themed party at Windsor Castle.

Guests, including the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry, will be expected to dress as characters from the Jane Austen novel.

And Beatrice herself is likely to follow in the footsteps of British Oscar nominee Keira Knightley and opt for the character of Austen’s most-loved heroine, Elizabeth Bennet.

The Royals traditionally wait until their 21st birthdays for a major celebration. But because of Beatrice’s unusual birthdate – she was born at 8.18pm on 8/8/1988 – her family has agreed to an 18th celebration instead.

Beatrice is unlikely to face a shortage of potential Mr Darcys from her guest list of eligible bachelors.

She has already been linked with a string of potential suitors – she was pictured holding hands with Nikolai Bismarck, great-great-grandson of Prince Otto von Bismarck, while Carlo Carello, son of the former chairman of the Italian car manufacturer Fiat, has also been touted as a possible boyfriend.

Her mother, the Duchess of York, is likely to attend as matchmaker Mrs Bennet. But whether Beatrice’s cousin Prince Harry will choose to dress as handsome soldier – and womanising cad – Mr Wickham is open to debate.

Prince William is the obvious choice for Mr Darcy, although whether he goes for the sopping wet shirt made famous by Colin Firth’s portrayal of the character in the 1995 BBC TV dramatisation remains to be seen.

The Princess Royal’s daughter Zara Phillips could go as the reckless and flirtatious Lydia Bennet and Beatrice’s father Prince Andrew is an ideal Mr Bennet.

The beleaguered character, a father of five girls, spends much of his time hiding from his wife in his study.

The Queen might attend the party dressed as Lady Catherine de Bourgh. A proud and domineering woman, she is keen to marry her daughter off to Mr Darcy.

And if Tony Blair gets an invitation, he could go as William Collins – a sycophant who thrives on the favour of Lady de Bourgh and who spends much of his time lecturing his female cousins.

Other guests are likely to include Peaches Geldof, the party-loving daughter of Sir Bob and the late Paula Yates, whom Beatrice has befriended. Another of her close friends is Zenouska Mowatt, the daughter of photographer Paul Mowatt, and Royal black sheep Marina Ogilvy, the rebellious daughter of the Queen’s cousin Princess Alexandra, who are divorced.

A-level student Beatrice, who is fifth in line to the throne, is no stranger to partying. She was recently spotted drinking cocktails at the fashionable Chelsea nightclub Mamilanji, frequented by Prince William and Zara Phillips.


  • 只有在夢裡,我才能跟一位已經不甚聯絡的朋友為對我良久以來的包容道謝,那是我無法在現實世界裡實踐的事情。
  • Diarrhoea X3,懷疑吃了過期食品。
  • 看著昨夜借回來的畢業袍,想像不到竟然快要離開學校了。
  • 討厭自己的吵與多言。
  • 「我哪裡得罪了你?」
  • 自閉。
  • 倒數 Pride and Prejudice 還有兩星期。
  • “Only you could say that you love me, and insult me at the same time.” — Lalita Bakshi in Bride and Prejudice