
2006 Chatsworth House


促使成行的,不外乎兩個重要因素:那年的我瘋狂迷戀 Pride and Prejudice --無論是 P&P 的原著、1995 BBC 版電視劇、2005 版電影還是 Bollywood 版的改編 “Bride and Prejudice”,從宿舍海報到手機壁紙到電腦桌面到 xanga 背景,全都以 P&P 為主題;以及畢業那年讀了幾本有關英格蘭皇室歷史的傳記,從 Anne Boleyn 到 Henry VIII 的六個妻子到 William III 和 Mary II 到 Richard III 到 The Princes in the Tower 無一不愛。


我彷彿想起 Tower of London 的守衛在翻查我的背囊發現那部 “Six Wives of Henry VIII” 時咧嘴而笑的樣子(他們心裡肯定在說:「又一個粉絲來了。」);走在「皇家墓地」Westminster Abbey 裡,與不少從書本裡看到的熟悉的名字擦身而過;在 Bath 的 Jane Austen Centre 我看到了不同年代的 P&P 劇集或電影版本;於 “P&P 2005 的 Pemberley” Chatsworth House 裡,我不期然幻想著電影裡如幻影般的情節;站在 Stanage Edge 的懸崖旁,我以為自己看到了夢裡的那個 Lizzie……






7 thoughts on “旅遊”

  1. Hey, your story is really short and sweet and to the point.

    In my travel, I too often find that the experience is personal and will stay with me for a long time, that particular moment in space and time.

    Thank you for sharing !!

  2. I still remember the first time stepping on the UK land alone in 2006, which was a special moment for me. I agree that sometimes the feelings during travel is quite personal and thus I don’t really mind to travel alone as I would sometimes “brainstorming” for interesting things during sightseeing…and it would be quite odd if you were with others. But I also enjoy travelling with friends who have similar thoughts…

  3. 我是從readandeat那邊看到你們這個兩周一聚的 =)
    忍不住留個言,因為我都好喜歡 p&p, yeah!!! 我都有睇bbc版 & 電影版,真係好正好浪漫 hehe,原著就只係睇o左中譯本,因為果時仲細 (d英文真係好深)

    忍不住留個言,因為我都好喜歡 uk =)

  4. Clara: 說起來我也是在大學四年級時才讀 P&P,還要是先讀了一部份中譯本才開始英文原著。那張照片嘛,是 Chatsworth House,也就是在 P&P 2005 裡的 Pemberley,在英格蘭 Midlands 小鎮 Bakewell 附近。

  5. I quite enjoy Pride and Prejudice as well. I love the 1995 BBC version and I think the 2005 movie is ok la. Call me lazy, I have no urge and probably won’t read P&P (either in English or Chinese translation).

    P.S. I hope you don’t mind me asking. Am I asking the obvious? But why “如果遇上 Mr. Darcy 是我的幸運” in this day and age? Wouldn’t it be better if a lady’s happiness and fortune is more in her own control?

    P.P.S. Have you seen this “Persuasion – BBC 2007” or “Sense & Sensibility – 2008 BBC”? Both have been quite well made. (You can probably find them in your library or may still find online versions somewhere). Mind you, I will always have a special place in my heart for Ang Lee’s S&S.

  6. I love P&P so much!! I reapet watching it for many time..
    I like keira knightley.i watch the dutchess as well

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